Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ms tan mei mei mr eric neo mr fu Ming and my whole family stop pushing me over the edge!!!!!

Hate you all... Why's your came in to my life?! I had enough trouble about my own life le why're your are still controling me like a robots? I am not and seriously don't push me over the limit especially my uncle and my Eric neo... I don't you to regret what you did... If I reached the edge, don't blame me. Seriously don't blame me. Even If I Had to go boys home, I will I swear I will.
Break... It was broken. I will never understand why everyone is like that? Hate it man... Injured yeah but th ans is no feeling... Can't live anymore. Bye... No mood yeah...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yoyoyoyoyoyoyo veh less people online sia haha... I am waiting.... Wakaka buaiis

Monday, April 19, 2010

All hopes gone...

zzz lols boliao... The next few days wont be onlining msn.., goanna Shag... Buaiis

Roar So Fucking Boring~~~~~

Penguins Penguins Penguins

Wa sian sia anyone can call and chat wif me~~~~
On the Verge of leaving my home.... lalalalala
Anyways anyone want to leave your home cause you cant stand your parent?
i am wif one friend hahahahahahahahahaha....
Sian saturday my pocket tear into big parts liao haha...
haha bbye i go play SA~~~~~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Now at school doing the fucking english thingy...zzz sian haha tag for all cause lazy.^^ i will find time to link u all up^^ haha sorry for not posting for so long. i was very lazy to post..... lalaalalalala bye i need go do thing liao buaiis